Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety FREE
Time is TBD
|Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Traini
Information to determine location-based crime and traffic and determine the most effective law enforcement approach

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Traini, 3500 Happy Hollow Lane, Fultondale, AL, USA
About the Event
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in conjunction with IADLEST will teach a DDACTS class at the JCSO Academy. This class uses seven Guiding Principles that provide a flexible structure to an agency's community policing and evidence-based policies.
This guide outlines procedures and highlights operational considerations based on best practices in the field.
This class uses seven Guiding Principles that provide a flexible structure to an agency's community policing and evidence-based policies.
A very powerful tool for law enforcement administrators and planners to employ in the fight against crime, crashes and social disorder.
The goal of the class is to give you the information to reduce crime, crashes and social harm across your area.
Registration: please contact the JCSO Training Center 205 849 5246 or email with your name, agency and contact information.