FREE- Jail Gang Intelligence and Interview Techniques for Corrections and Law Enforcement
Wed, Jan 19
This class is designed to prepare officers to successfully identify gang member, monitor gang activity, effectively gather gang information and conduct successful interviews with hard-core gang members in a correction environment.

Time & Location
Jan 19, 2022, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fultondale, 3500 Happy Hollow Ln, Fultondale, AL 35068, USA
About the Event
JAIL GANG INTELLIGENCE AND INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES FOR CORRECTIONS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT Each prisoner and contact in jail is different and the information in correctional facilities is always changing. Being able to effectively gather this information can lead to finding contraband, identifying gang members and affiliations, solving other crimes within the jail, and saving an officer’s life. You have to be creative and ingenious while having a simple conversation with an inmate. Learn how to “talk-the-talk” and not overdo it. Know how to control the direction of the conversation without making your contact feel like he or she is being interrogated. Gang members are getting smarter every time they are arrested and incarcerated. Building your gang knowledge will benefit you in identifying who you’re dealing with, creating self-confidence, and at the same time, establishing yourself amongst gang members themselves. This eight-hour course is specifically designed to prepare officers to successfully identify gang members, monitor gang activity, effectively gather gang intelligence, and properly conduct successful interviews with hard-core gang members in jail.
Course Topics Include: • Gang identification and documentation • Successful introductions and mindset • Monitoring gang presence and activity • Gang intelligence gathering • Working with other law enforcement agencies • Handling jail informants • Conducting successful interviews in jail • Behavioral “norms” and patterns
January 19, 2022 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hosted by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Training Center **NO COST** Tuition Free
Instructor Domenic Cappelluti CFI, is a veteran street cop and detective with the Waukegan, Illinois Police Department and a former Group Supervisor of the elite Lake County Major Crime Task Force. With over 20 years of experience Mr. Cappelluti has specialized in high profile violent street crimes, to include homicides, murder for hire cases on gang and drug officers, and officer involved shootings. He has conducted and directed hundreds of gang and drug related operations in the Chicago metropolitan area targeting Chicago based street gangs. He is fluent in Spanish and Italian and has successfully conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations in Spanish with Hispanic street gang members. Having personally been targeted in a large-scale murder for hire plot, Mr. Cappelluti has been an intricate part in receiving federal funding and working with members of Congress to establish a clear understanding of the war against gangs. Mr. Cappelluti is a nationally recognized lecturer for his vast experience as an expert witness in interviewing and interrogation, homicide, and street gangs. He is the creator and lead seminar instructor of the Gang Combat Dynamics Series, Criminal Related Interviewing Made Easy (C.R.I.M.E. 123), Investigating Street Homicides, Testifying in High Profile Cases, and much more. Mr. Cappelluti is the author of: “Criminal Related Interviewing Made Easy-An Easy Step-by-Step Guide.” Still working the street and interview rooms today, Mr. Cappelluti’s teaching technique and fresh approach always make for an enjoyable class and a great experience!
Register at: copy and paste link
Location: Jefferson County Sheriff’s Training Center, 3500 Happy Hollow Lane, Fultondale, AL 35068
Contact: Tommie Black,, 205-849-5246